Sunday, March 21, 2010

Japanese Food Porn Pt. 1

Going to Japan was a mind blowing culinary experience for me.
The spectrum of ingredients to the way it's been cooked,
all executed in the upmost respect -
(sushi is a special case).

One can't help but get overboard in obsessing over almost every dish!

marinated raw horse meat with yolk on top

Shin Family

The area is known for their sulphur baths - the whole
town smells like rotten eggs but you get used to it...
We stayed at a traditional onsen (bath house)/hotel,
where they accommodated us like royalties!

an assortments of gorgeous nibbles - part of a 15 course meal.
a range of textures from the crunchy crab to the slurrpy seaweed...

tempura crab patty

another part of a 15 course meal

We endulged in the following 4 dishes at around 8 in the morning.

Hokkaido hairy crabs.
The poor sucker (we picked) was thrown into a pot of boiling water right before us...
But no hard feelings.

Uni (sea urchin roe)
One of my favorite seafood delicacies, only eaten in rare occasions -
it's a burst of the flavor of sea in your mouth.

Sashimi Galore
(on rice)

Ikura (salmon roe) and Uni
I could eat the gooey orangey goodness on rice on any given day...

Fresh lamb meat for barbeque - aka jingisukan
named after Genghis Khan: perfect with a litre-pint-o-beer!
Sapporo beer museum, Sapporo Island

deep fried crab - croquet style

-Crab sashimi?
-Yes, please

An assortment of the freshest sushi you can get in Tokyo.
(had to wake up at 5am for this!)

Flash frozen tunas due for inspection, then auctioned off for 1000 - 1000000s of $ !


Slippery eels in buckets.

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